Andrei Geist

Andrei Geist

Andrei is a college student and full-time content writer at Growing up on a farm in north central Florida, Andrei learned the value of integrity and diligence early on. As an International Relations major, Andrei is passionate about writing on a wide range of topics from geopolitics to international travel to economics. He might be analyzing the subtly shifting balance of power in the multi-polar international order; or maybe he's sharing the tips on how to plan a road trip with friends instead. Among his preferred writing topics, one in particular stands out: real estate! The world of real estate is fascinating, and Andrei is fascinated. Whatever he's writing about, he strives to make his articles as informational and thought provoking as possible. Andrei has other hobbies on the side, however; when he's not writing articles or attending lectures, chances are he's sitting in the sun strumming on his guitar or taking pictures of his friends with his beat-up old Canon AV-1.

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