What Is Long Term Care Insurance?
Long-term care refers to a broad range of medical and personal care services designed to assist individuals who have lost their ability to perform activities of daily living without assistance. In such cases, long-term care insurance provides coverage for both medical and non-medical services provided in a patient's home, a nursing home, or an assisted living facility. Unlike Medicare or most private health insurance plans, which pay primarily for hospital stays or doctor visits, long-term care helps pay for the cost involved in providing assistance with activities of daily living.
Popular Insurance Questions
Popular Insurance Glossary Terms
Protection under an insurance policy. In property insurance, coverage lists perils insured against, properties covered, locations covered, individuals insured, and the limits of ...
Same as term Burglary Insurance: coverage against loss as the result of a burglary. Found as part of the commercial package policy that has generally replaced the special multiperil ...
Unit of the life office management association (LOMA), which prepares and administers educational materials for the Fellow Life Management Institute (FLMI) Program. Upon successful ...
Income payable to a surviving spouse or other beneficiary upon the death of the primary wage earner to bridge the gap until the beneficiary is self-sufficient. For example, income can be ...
In homeowners insurance, usually an 80% coinsurance requirement, which means the insured must carry insurance on the value of a home on a replacement cost basis of at least 80%. For ...
Limitation imposed on insurance companies by state law. States oversee the insurance industry, being responsible for making certain that the rates are fair, reasonable, and adequate, and ...
Portion of a life insurance policy cash value after the deduction of all the policyowner's indebtedness. ...
Same as term Deposit Term Life Insurance: policy in which a premium (the deposit) is paid in the first policy year, in addition to the regular term insurance premiums required. The deposit ...
Relinquishment of rights in an insurance policy or pension plan. For example, by withdrawing contributions to a pension plan, an employee forfeits future retirement benefits under that plan. ...
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