Attachment Point
Critical point in the total amount of claims paid above which the excess insurance policy pays a percentage (generally 80-100%) of the claims for any policy year experience.
Popular Insurance Terms
Extra layer of life insurance coverage. This term is often applied to double indemnity. For example, some life insurance policies provide a death benefit of a multiple of the face value if ...
Type of inland marine insurance used to provide coverage for domesticated animals, including poultry, cattle, horses, sheep, and swine. ...
Item given or sold to a buyer that establishes a standard of quality by which later products will be judged. Since the uniform commercial code does not distinguish between a sample and a ...
Cash value of life insurance that accumulates according to a table in a policy. It reflects premiums in the early years that exceed the pure cost of protection during that period. If a ...
Federal statute that permits the self-employed a 100% tax deduction for the family health care expenses to include health insurance premiums, disability INCOME insurance premiums, and ...
Coverage in the event that papers of intrinsic value are damaged or destroyed. Coverage is on an all risks basis. Limits of coverage can be quite high; but the insurance company will not ...
Coverage during the operation of a ship for: Property of Ship (ship's hull, tackle, passenger fittings, equipment, stores, boats), and ordnance; Property Damage Liability (ship's owner ...
Individual who assigns rights to a benefit. For example, a life insurance policy may be assigned as security for a loan made by the borrower. The policy protects the collateral creditor ...
Circumstance which increases the probability of loss because of an applicant's personal habits or morals; for example, if an applicant is a known criminal. ...
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