Blackout Period
Time interval between the date benefits end under Social Security and the date these benefits resume. For example, survivor benefits are paid only as long as the parent (if less than age 60) cares for a child less than age 16. Once that child reaches age 16, the surviving parent must wait until age 60 before survivor benefits resume.
Popular Insurance Terms
Return of a prorated portion of premium after a policy is canceled by the insurer. Under most property and liability insurance policies, the insurer can cancel at any time but must return ...
Law, in several states, establishing a fund to guarantee benefits under policies issued by insurance companies that become insolvent. ...
Combination life insurance policy composed Of TERM LIFE INSURANCE and an INSTALLMENT REFUND ANNUITY. ...
Provision in the extended coverage endorsement stating that smoke damage is covered when it results from the sudden, unusual, and faulty operation of an on-premises cooking or heating unit, ...
Early type of no-fault automobile insurance developed by two law professors, Robert Keeton and Jeffrey O'Connell. Its basic premise is that for many accidents it is impossible to place the ...
Negligent acts and/or omissions, other than breach of contract, normally independent of moral obligations for which a remedy can be provided in a court of law. For example, a person injured ...
Life insurance policy provision stating that after the death of an insured, the proceeds from a policy are not immediately paid to the primary beneficiary; instead, they are delayed for a ...
Coverage on an all risks basis for goods in transit, bailment, and while on the premises of others. ...
Amount of insurance that the insured must carry in order to be indemnified for the total dollar amount of the actual loss. If this requirement is met by the insured, the coinsurance penalty ...
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