Businessowners Policy—section H Liability Coverages

Definition of "Businessowners policy—section h liability coverages"

Darcie Barton real estate agent

Written by

Darcie Bartonelite badge icon

Keller Williams Capital Partners

Coverage that protects a business, up to the policy limits, if actions or non-actions of the insured result in a legally enforceable claim for bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury. Included are coverages for: non owned automobiles used by the business in its normal operations (owned automobiles are excluded); host liquor liability where the business is having a social gathering. For example, liability at an office party would be covered, since this social function is incidental to normal business activity (excluded would be operation of a liquor store on the premises of the business); fire and explosion legal liability, where the insured is renting business space in a building. If a fire or explosion from business operations is proven to be of negligent origin, the insurer of the owner of the building has subrogation rights against the business; products, for which completed operations coverage is provided. Excluded from Section II coverages are professional liability, owned automobiles of the business, operation of airplanes and other aircraft, Workers Compensation, liquor liability (other than that served as a host at business social functions), and off-premises operation of boats.

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