Catastrophe Futures
Financial instrument traded on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). By purchasing this future, the insurance company can hedge its risk exposure against possible future catastrophic losses. The CBOT releases a report each quarter showing on a state-by-state basis the premium amount and the line of insurance that has a catastrophic exposure. Each future contract has a stated value of $25,000 multiplied by the catastrophe ratio for that particular quarter. This multiplied result forms the basis for beginning to trade the quarterly catastrophic futures contract on the CBOT. If there is a high level of catastrophes such that the actual catastrophic loss ratio is greater than the expected catastrophic loss ratio, the futures contract increases in value and the insurance company purchaser gains the difference between the initial purchase price and the quarterly ending value of the contract. Conversely, if there is a low level of catastrophes such that the actual catastrophic loss ratio is less than the expected catastrophic loss ratio, the futures contract decreases in value and the insurance company purchaser loses the difference between the initial purchase price and the quarterly ending value of the contract.
Popular Insurance Terms
Claim against property for payment of taxes. Life insurance proceeds and annuity benefits are protected against certain creditors of the insured, but the federal government is not one of ...
Insured's income prior to the disability minus the insured's income after the disability. ...
Termination of coverage in insurance. ...
Accounting procedures that defer the full funding of a life insurance net level premium reserve to accommodate the policy acquisition cost in the early years of a policy. First-year policy ...
Investment risk associated with the relationship between the yield (interest, dividends, and capital) of financial instruments and the rate of inflation in the economy. For fixed income ...
Insurance coverage that protects the exporter (even though the exporter may be in total compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract) in the event a foreign government calls the ...
To transfer a risk from an insurance company to a reinsurance company. ...
Rule that concerns the distribution of the aggregate surplus among the policies in the same proportion as each respective policy has contributed to the surplus. ...
Same as term Blanket Position Bond: covers all employees of a business on a blanket basis with the maximumlimit of coverage applied separately to each employee guilty of a crime. ...
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