Commercial Crime Coverage Form
Type of commercial insurance that provides coverage for the business under the following policy forms:
- Form A employee dishonesty involving money, securities, and other properties and may be written on a BLANKET INSURANCE or Scheduled POLICY basis.
- Form B forgery or alteration involving outgoing checks, drafts, promissory notes, and other similar financial instruments.
- Form C theft, disappearance, and destruction of money and securities.
- Form D robbery and safe burglary (property excluding money and securities) involving losses inside or outside the premises of the insured business.
- Form E premises burglary involving property (excepting money and securities) inside the premises of the insured business.
- Form F computer fraud involving money, securities, and property other than money and securities.
- Form G extortion involving money, securities, and property that does not include money and securities.
- Form H premises theft and robbery outside premises other than money and securities.
- Form I lessees of safe deposit boxes involving theft, disappearance, or destruction of securities or property other than money and securities while in a vault or during the deposit or withdrawal from a safe deposit box on the premises of the insured.
- Form J securities deposited with others involving theft, disappearance, or destruction of securities that are on the inside of the premises of a custodian (party to which the insured has transferred the securities), or while the securities are outside the premises of the custodian in the possession of an employee of the custodian, or while the securities have been deposited by the custodian into a depository.
- Form K liability for guest's property in a safe deposit box involving property damage or loss.
- Form L liability for guest's property while on the premises of the business or in the possession of the business involving loss or damage to that property.
- Form M safe depository liability involving loss, damage, or destruction to the customer's property while on the premises of the business in a safe deposit box, in a vault, or while being transferred to and from safe deposit boxes or vaults. The legal liability of the business for the customer's loss has to be established.
- Form N safe depository direct loss involving loss, damage, or destruction of the customer's property while on the premises of the business in a safe deposit box, in a vault, or while being transferred to and from safe deposit boxes or vaults. The legal liability of the business for the customer's loss does not have to be established.
- Form O public employees' dishonesty for loss involving money, securities, or property that does not include money and securities.This form is usually written to provide coverages for public entities such as schools and universities.
- Form P public employees' dishonesty for employee involving money, securities, or property that does not include money and securities. This form is usually written to provide coverages for public entities such as cities, public utilities, and public hospitals.
- Form Q robbery and safe burglary of money and securities when in the custody of the custodian inside the premises, or when in the custody of a messenger outside the premises.
- Form R money orders and counterfeit paper currency involving their acceptance in good faith by the business in exchange for money, services, or merchandise.
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