Expiration Card
Same as term Expiration File: agents' records showing when clients' policies expire.
Popular Insurance Terms
Exposure present only at certain times of the year. For example, resort property faces a business interruption risk only from damage that cannot be repaired in time for the resort season. ...
Loss so catastrophic in nature that the insurance company will experience a significant underwriting loss. Protection against such an event can be purchased through various reinsurance ...
In health insurance, the number of days for which benefits are paid to the named insured and his or her dependents. For example, the number of days that benefits are calculated for a ...
Endorsement to the special multiperil insurance (smp) policy that provides all risks damage coverage for real property. This special form provides only minimum cover, leaving the option for ...
Systems composed of personal computers linked by a file server. These computers share software as well as databases that enable the risk manager access to information in a quick and ...
Indemnification of a school for the loss of tuition, and room and board fees when it is forced to suspend classes because of the occurrence of a peril. ...
Same as term Participating Policy Dividend: life insurance contract that pays its owner dividends, which can be: taken as cash; applied to reduce a premium; applied to purchase an ...
Provision in marine insurance listing onshore perils covered. In the case of marine cargo, these may include such occurrences as damage from flooding, sprinklers, collapse of docks, and ...
Association of independent agents whose objective is to further the interests of these agents through education, lobbying, and professional ethics. ...
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