Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (fegli)

Definition of "Federal employees group life insurance (fegli)"

Brittany P. Shakespeare real estate agent

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Brittany P. Shakespeareelite badge icon

Sterling Property Management Inc.

Plan administered through a primary private life insurer and reinsured through other private life insurers, providing a death benefit equal to:

  1. one year's salary for active employees at least age 45 until they reach age 65;
  2. two years' salary for active employees age 35 and under.
The death benefit is graduated for federal employees age 36 through 44. After retirement, the full death benefit remains in force until the retired employee reaches age 65, whereupon the death benefit is reduced by 2% per month until it levels off at 25% of the employee preretirement annual salary. The federal government pays approximately one-third of the monthly premium, and the employee pays the remainder.

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