Financial Accounting Standards Board (fasb)

Definition of "Financial accounting standards board (fasb)"

Kyle Mccann real estate agent

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East Tennessee Real Estate

Group that, with the exception of the government, establishes the standards for all financial accounting and reporting for the various entities in the United States. The standards enable comparability and consistency for financial statements among companies. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires that all SEC registrants adhere to the FASB Standards when reporting financial information. The SEC also requires that members of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) adhere to the FASB requirements when reporting financial data. The FASB is under the control of the Financial Accounting Foundation that provides it with financial support. The accounting firms, corporations, and others who utilize the information lend the financial support. An appointed advisory task force of outside experts representing the various views of auditors, prepares, and users review projects. With the help of the FASB staff, the task force issues a statement concerning the actual standards by which to abide, their effective date, research leading to the conclusions, and the logic upon which the conclusions are based.

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