Fortuitous Event
Same as term Fortuitous Loss: loss occurring by accident or chance, not by anyone's intention. Insurance policies provide coverage against losses that occur only on a chance basis, where the insured cannot control the loss; thus the insured should not be able to burn down his or her own home and collect. Insurance is not provided against a certainty such as wear and tear. Life insurance will not pay a death benefit if the insured commits suicide within the first two years that the policy is in force. Even though death is a certainty, the insured cannot buy a policy with the intention of suicide within the first two years.
Popular Insurance Terms
Branch of knowledge dealing with the mathematics of insurance, including probabilities. It is used in ensuring that risks are carefully evaluated, that adequate premiums are charged for ...
Guarantee of payment of the original judgment of a court. When a judgment is appealed, a bond is usually required to guarantee that if the appeal is unsuccessful, funds would be available ...
Provision in an umbrella liability insurance policy under which the policy will pay those losses that come within the retention limits of the primary policy, but the primary policy cannot ...
Primary responsibility for overseeing the insurance industry that has rested with individual states since 1945, after Congress passed the MCCARRAN-FERGUSON ACT (PUBLIC LAW 15). In addition ...
Mathematical relationship resulting from experimentation. For example, the probability distribution for the possible number of heads from four tosses of a fair coin having both a head and a ...
Individual licensed to sell securities to the public. For example, to sell variable annuities and variable life insurance products and mutual funds, an insurance agent is required to pass ...
Physician who conducts physicals of applicants for life and/or health insurance. This physician is selected by the insurance company at its expense. ...
Demand without foundation, such as a claim submitted to an insurance company by an insured who caused a loss, or for a loss that never occurred. ...
Adjustment made to the statistics in a mortality table to provide an increase in the mortality rates above that expected for life insurance and a decrease in the mortality rates below that ...
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