Live Animal Insurance
Coverage under the Commercial Property Floater for loss under two forms: livestock mortality life insurance and livestock floater. This is really life insurance coverage for livestock.
Popular Insurance Terms
Comprehensive gain or loss on a security over a stipulated period of time comprised of capital appreciation plus dividend/interest received. ...
In the insurance field, we have insurance companies, which is where every individual or company goes to get insurance policies, and then there are reinsurance companies. Now, you might ask ...
Form of marine insurance that covers mobile equipment of a contractor, including road building machinery, steam shovels, hoists, and derricks used on the job by builders of structures, ...
Same as term American Risk and Insurance Association: membership organization of companies,academics, and individuals in the insurance business whose interest is to further education and ...
Organization of property insurance companies whose goal is to prevent and uncover fraudulent automobile fire and theft claims. ...
Government health care program in several European countries that has been proposed in various forms for the U.S., to be administered by the federal government. Plan A would cover all U.S. ...
Federal social insurance program that provides monthly benefits to qualified retirees, their dependents, their survivors, and, in some cases, disabled workers. OASDHI was created by the ...
Combination of coverages from property, liability, health, and life insurance into a single insurance policy from one insurance company. ...
Date of the initial annuity payment. ...
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