Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance
Coverage for bodily injury and property damage liability resulting from the nuclear energy material (whether or not radioactive) on the insured business's premises or in transit. This insurance has become more significant since the Three Mile Island accident. In order to obtain a license for a nuclear facility, there must be evidence of financial responsibility such as insurance. Nuclear energy liability is excluded from nearly all other liability policies.
Popular Insurance Terms
Insurance contract that cannot be cancelled by the insurance company. Since the insurance policy is a UNILATERAL CONTRACT instead of a BILATERAL CONTRACT, the INSURED may cancel at will. ...
Insurance on the life of the employee, paid for by the company, with the company being the beneficiary under the policy. This insurance vehicle is being used more and more to fund ...
Statutory reserve for automobile liability, representing specific dollar estimates for future claims. The national association OF insurance commissioners (naic) established formulas to ...
Legislation to eliminate most tax shelters and write-offs in exchange for lower rates for both corporation and individuals. It was intended to be revenue neutral; that is, to bring in the ...
Premium applied in workers compensation insurance and in life insurance. In the latter, it is the portion of a premium that is loaded to reflect an insured's expectation of loss, ...
(Formerly the American College of Life Underwriters) accrediting body for the CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter) and the ChFC (Chartered Financial Consultant) designations. Provides ...
tort against another person's property, designed to detain or dispose of it in a wrongful manner. For example, wrongful selling of another person's automobile without permission would ...
Total amount of insurance that an insurer will write on any specific city block. Such a limit will reduce the insurer's exposure to a potential catastrophic occurrence, such as a hurricane, ...
Amendment to a will that adds or modifies clauses in that will, such as adding an additional beneficiary or piece of property. ...
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