Personal Property Insurance
When people think of home insurance policies, they usually only think about the obvious coverage of its house structure. But that, known as Dwelling Insurance, is only one of the coverage areas of a homeowner’s insurance umbrella.
The personal property insurance is one of them and, to put it in a simple explanation, it protects objects inside your home. For instance: Hail cracked the window and from that a piece of art was ruined by water? Personal property insurance covers the damage. A burglar broke in and stole some jewelry? Personal property insurance saves the day.
Most people think this type of coverage only make sense for people with unique, expensive, irreplaceable objects, but that is far from true. In situations of an "Act of God", for instance, lots of individually inexpensive appliances can get damaged and collectively add up to a huge amount. Imagine you have to buy a new TV, fridge, dishwasher, computers…
Better start looking with different eyes to personal property insurance coverage, right?
Real Estate Tip:
There are better ways to practice your detachment than losing all your belongings: find a real estate agent to help you protect your material world!
Popular Insurance Terms
Same as term Common Disaster Clause: wording in life insurance policies to determine the order of deaths whenthe insured and the beneficiary die in the same accident. For example, if the ...
Single policy under which one individual is insured. ...
Insurance record showing the amount of insurance coverage placed on any one location. ...
Termination of premium payments by an employer on behalf of an employee to an employee benefit plan. ...
Automatic adjustment applied to Social Security retirement payments when the consumer price index increases at a rate of at least 3%, the first quarter of one year to the first quarter of ...
Business involved in buying and selling securities and mutual funds. ...
Law by which many states attempt to regulate insurers who are unlicensed in those states. With a few notable exceptions, such as re insurers, insurance companies must be licensed in the ...
Coverage in which the face amount of a policy remains uniform, neither increasing nor decreasing for as long as the policy is in force. ...
Agreement establishing a trust for the named beneficiary under a life insurance policy. Upon the death of the insured, the trust has the legal obligation to pay the policy proceeds in the ...
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