Retirement Planning
Formal process of setting aside funds on a mathematical basis to provide deferred income benefits.
Popular Insurance Terms
Time at which life insurance death proceeds or endowments are paid, either at the death of an insured or at the end of the endowment period. ...
Dollar ceiling on a life insurance policy for applicants who are not given a medical examination. The insurer accepts a health questionnaire in the place of a physical examination. At one ...
Same as term Expiration File: agents' records showing when clients' policies expire. ...
Policy owner rights under a life insurance policy, including the right to name a new beneficiary at any time and to surrender the policy for its cash value. ...
Use of the threat of violence or actual violence in taking property from someone else's possession. This peril is covered on a personal basis through the purchase of a homeowners insurance ...
Personal insurance method used to analyze the amount necessary to maintain a family in its customary life-style, should the primary wage earner die. This includes such considerations as: ...
Insured's age at a particular point in time. For example, many term life insurance policies allow an insured to convert to permanent insurance without a physical examination at the ...
Same as term Fair access to Insurance Requirements: insurance that grew out of the urban demonstrations and riots of the 1960s. Because of the deteriorated social and economic circumstances ...
Same as term Office Burglary and Robbery Insurance: coverage for the office of a business, or an individual in a general office building or other structure. Includes burglary of a safe; ...
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