Payment of an employee's employee benefit insurance plan benefits to the employee's individual retirement account ( IRA) or to another plan maintained by the employer.
Popular Insurance Terms
Latin for "Let the superior reply." That is, an employer is liable for the torts of employees that result from their employment. For example, an insurance company (the master) acts through ...
State law that stipulates that the worth of separate accounts must be valued at current market with the exception of those separate accounts established and maintained for guaranteed ...
Coverage for present and past U.S. uniformed services members under one of these programs: United States Government Life Insurance (USGLI) established in 1919 to provide RENEWABLE TERM LIFE ...
(stop loss) amount over which a health insurance plan pays 100% of the costs in a percentage participation plan. Here, an insured shares costs with the insurer according to some ...
Maximum amount of a specified type of insurance coverage, according to underwriting guidelines, that an insurance company feels it can safely underwrite on a particular exposure without ...
Mistake made during the manufacturing process of a product that results in an inherent defect in the product. This mistake is covered under products and completed operations insurance. ...
Bonds that are secured by mortgage securities classified as either interest only or principal only strips (separate trading of registered interest and principal of securities). Insurance ...
Coverage for loss in the net earnings of a business if a supplier business, subcontractor, key customer, or manufacturer doing business with the insured business cannot continue to operate ...
1945 federal legislation in which the Congress declared that the states may continue to regulate the insurance industry. Nevertheless, in recent years Congress has expanded the federal ...
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