Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plan
Plan in which a public employer (such as a university, state, county, or municipality) sponsors a retirement savings program, named for the section of the Internal Revenue Code that permits it. This plan allows the employer, upon agreement with the employee, to reduce the employee's salary by a specific amount and invest this amount, with pre-tax dollars, in various financial instruments. Upon termination of employment, the principal amount invested and any investment earnings are distributed to the terminating employee or the employee's estate. A deferred FIXED DOLLAR ANNUITY or VARIABLE DOLLAR ANNUITY are among the financial instruments that can be used to fund this plan.
Popular Insurance Terms
In insurance, combination of the loss ratio and the expense ratio. The combined ratio is important to an insurance company since it indicates whether or not the company is earning a profit ...
Nonparticipating life insurance (also called a guaranteed dividend or guaranteed investment policy) sold by a stock life insurance company, usually as a 20-payment policy with coupons ...
owner of property has an insurable interest because of the expectation of monetary loss if that property is damaged or destroyed. creditor of an insured has an insurable interest in ...
Additional policy dividend paid to a life insurance policyholder when a policy terminates. A mutual insurance company is owned by its policyholders and writes participating policies, which ...
Type of inland marine insurance that covers pipelines. Although pipelines are stationary, the coverage is written on inland marine forms because they are considered part of the ...
Losses representing claims paid. ...
Addition to reserves of a life insurance company required by various states because the valuation premium is greater than the GROSS PREMIUM. Without a deficiency reserve, the normal reserve ...
Relationship of gains from investments (including realized capital gains) resulting from insurance operations to earned premiums. ...
Expectation of death. The probability of its occurrence is shown by a mortality table, which is important in determining the premiums for life insurance policies. ...
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