Minimum standard of financial health for an insurance company, where assets exceed liabilities. State laws require insurance regulators to step in when solvency of an insurer is threatened and proceed with rehabilitation or liquidation.
Popular Insurance Terms
Insurance company whose premium rates are usually below that of other insurance companies and the rating bureau. ...
Excess liability coverage above the limits of a basic business liability insurance policy such as the owners, landlords and tenants liability policy. For example, if a basic policy has a ...
To which the original investment sums build at a stipulated interest rate. ...
Coverage for railroad equipment, liability of a railroad for damaging another railroad's equipment, or the damage to goods under its care, custody, and control. Coverage is provided on an ...
Private placement investment contract sold by insurance companies. This product has no registration requirement and pays the investor a higher rate of return than commercial paper. ...
Individuals under common management whose goal is to sell and service insurance. Office may be managed by a general agent or branch manager. ...
Annuity contract. If the annuitant dies before receiving income at least equal to the premiums paid, a beneficiary receives the difference in installments. If the annuitant lives after the ...
Circumstances that encourage the organization of pension plans by employers. For example, employer contributions are tax deductible as business expenses and not currently taxable income to ...
Provision in ocean marine cargo policies to limit an insurance company's liability for partial losses; the company has liability only for losses that exceed a stipulated percentage of the ...
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