Special Risk Insurance
Transfer of highly individualized loss exposures that is not based on the usual pooling principles of insurance such as risk identification and classification selection. Rather than setting up an insurance pool of standard risks, the underwriter accepts responsibility for a unique or special risk. Some examples would be insurance by Lloyd's of London underwriters for athletes, artists, and entertainers; insurance on Betty Grable's legs; or insurance for dangerous scientific experiments or moon travel.
Popular Insurance Terms
Partial payment of medical service expenses required in group health insurance, in addition to the membership fee. For example, for each visit of a physician a member may be required to pay ...
Standard for insurance regulation in New York State and a model for insurance regulation elsewhere. For example, the standard fire policy was first adopted in New York State. Similarly, ...
Intense combustion resulting in a flame or glow. In order for the fire peril to be covered under property insurance, the fire must be a hostile fire, not a friendly fire. ...
Minimum standard of financial health for an insurance company, where assets exceed liabilities. State laws require insurance regulators to step in when solvency of an insurer is threatened ...
Purchasing bond investments that mature at different time intervals. ...
Accounting procedures that defer the full funding of a life insurance net level premium reserve to accommodate the policy acquisition cost in the early years of a policy. First-year policy ...
Regulation set forth by the national association of insurance commissioners (naic) to govern life insurance sales illustrations. Includes the following major provisions: POLICY OWNER must ...
System of charges to an insured that fluctuates according to the loss experience of that insured. This is a form of experience rating. ...
Contractual agreement between two parties in which they agree to exchange a stream of interest payments on either a fixed rate for a floating rate or a floating rate for a fixed rate. The ...
Comments for Special Risk Insurance
Does special risk home ins cover flood
Apr 06, 2018 20:35:41Hey, Francisco
That's a great question... with no simple definitive answer.
The whole concept of special risk insurance is to protect assets from specific risks common to specific business and activities not covered by the ordinary homeowner's insurance policy and yes; flood is not typically covered by homeowner's insurance. However, because of climate change, flood has become something so common in the United States - independently from state and proximity to the shores and body of water - that Flood Insurance became an insurance of its own. So, since it's not an uncommon risk, it'll be hard to find a special risk insurance policy that covers flood. The insurance company will most likely tell you to buy their specific flood insurance. But who knows... maybe one or another might include it if the area is reaaaally unlikely to get flooded, like the top of a mountain or something.
Hope we helped!
Apr 13, 2018 10:25:47Have a question or comment?
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