Statutory Statement Of Accounting Principle (SSAP) 16—edp Equipment
State law that limits the admitted value of an insurance company's EDP equipment to 3% of the company's ADJUSTED SURPLUS.
Popular Insurance Terms
Option clause in a disability buy-out insurance policy that permits the owner of the policy to increase the limits of coverage for the expenses associated with the buy-out process. Usually, ...
Coverage for an insured's liability for damage to another's property from leakage or overflow of water. Some liability policies specifically exclude water damage, including that caused by ...
Specifications dealing with exclusions, policy requirements, cancellations and related matters. Perils Most policies exclude enemy attack, invasions, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, ...
Income payable to a surviving spouse or other beneficiary upon the death of the primary wage earner to bridge the gap until the beneficiary is self-sufficient. For example, income can be ...
Method of investing that staggers the maturities of a group of bonds. As a bond matures, the investor can reinvest the proceeds in either short- or long-term bonds depending on the interest ...
Assistance provided to a person in performing the basic daily necessities of life, such as dressing, eating, using a toilet, walking, bathing, and getting in and out of bed. This type of ...
Death payment that increases with the age of an insured. Graded benefits may increase gradually and then level off, or may increase sharply before becoming level. This type of coverage is ...
Life insurance contract that combines TERM LIFE INSURANCE with WHOLE LIFE INSURANCE. The term portion of the contract expires after a stipulated time period. If the insured dies during this ...
Coverage of a common carrier for liability on trucks that have delivered their cargo and are on the way back to the terminal. The company that hires the truck assumes liability while the ...
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