Triple Option Plan
Plan that permits the insurance company to administer health care plans that permit the patient to choose from three benefit options at the time of need: indemnity (insurance), HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION (HMO), and PREFERRED PROVIDER organization (PPO). The indemnity plan, even though more costly, would provide the patient with the greatest number of choices among physicians and hospitals. The PPO would allow the patient to have more choices among physicians and hospitals than the HMO and would not require the patient to go through the primary care physician or gatekeeper, as the HMO requires. The HMO would be the lowest cost option (no deductible) but the most restrictive as to the patient's choice.
Popular Insurance Terms
Determination of (1) a future property or liability insurance or reinsurance rate or (2) a premium for a specified future period of time. It is based on the loss experience of a specified ...
Coverage for dispensers of alcoholic beverages against suits arising out of bodily injury and/or property damage caused by its customers to a third party. Establishments covered include ...
Trade association whose objective is to further the interests of its membership, as well as to inform the public on the role of its members. ...
Plan that permits the insurance company to administer health care plans that permit the patient to choose from three benefit options at the time of need: indemnity (insurance), HEALTH ...
Bond that provides additional security for a loan. ...
Coverage for a group of individuals under one policy. Usually, members belong to a particular company, union, or trade association. In a contributory plan a lump sum premium is paid by the ...
Same as term Excess of Loss reinsurance: method whereby an insurer pays the amount of each claim for each risk up to a limit determined in advance and the reinsurer pays the amount of the ...
Sections with standard wording common to all property and casualty insurance contracts: conditions, declarations, exclusions, insuring agreement. ...
Geographical area in which commerce can be conducted without tariffs being applied. The concept was adopted in insurance through the use of a reinsurance facility for buying and selling of ...
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