Closing Date
The date on which the closing occurs. On a purchase transaction, there is no financial advantage to the buyer/borrower in closing on any day of the month, as compared to any other day. Buyers should select the closing date as close as possible to the moving date, regardless of the day of the month that is. The interest clock on the loan starts ticking on the closing date, because the lender expects to be paid beginning the day the funds are disbursed. There is no point in paying interest before you are prepared to move. While borrowers pay interest beginning the closing date, they may pay it in different ways, depending on when during the month they close. The first payment on a home loan is due on the first day of a month and includes interest for a full month. Since loans may close anytime within the month, there is always an interest adjustment at closing based on the exact closing date. This is Per Diem Interest or 'prepaid interest.' Closing on different days during the month will shift the amount of interest you pay at closing, but will not affect the total interest you pay beginning at closing.
Popular Mortgage Terms
Employees of lenders or mortgage brokers who find borrowers, sell and counsel them, and take applications. Loan officers employed by mortgage brokers may also be involved in loan ...
Interest from the day of closing to the first day of the following month. To simplify the task of loan administration, the accounting for all home loans begins as if the loan was closed ...
If you’re a student in medical school, a resident or a medically qualified doctor, you must know the definition of Physicians Mortgage Loan, also known as Doctor Loans. Why? Because, ...
The date on which the closing occurs. On a purchase transaction, there is no financial advantage to the buyer/borrower in closing on any day of the month, as compared to any other day. ...
The period you must retain a mortgage in order for it to be profitable to pay points to reduce the rate. ...
Markets in which mortgages or mortgage-backed securities are bought and sold. 'Whole Loan' Markets Versus Securities Markets: Secondary mortgage markets are of two general types. 'Whole ...
A biweekly mortgage on which biweekly payments are applied to the balance every two weeks, rather than monthly, as on a conventional biweekly. ...
When a borrower has difficulty making the scheduled payment. Position of the Lender: A good place to start is by understanding the position of the lender. A game plan for survival ...
On an ARM, the assumption that the interest rate rises to the maximum extent permitted by the loan contract. ...
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