Non-Conforming Mortgage

Definition of "Non-Conforming Mortgage"

Dawn Wood, MBA, Broker real estate agent

Written by

Dawn Wood, MBA, Brokerelite badge icon

Benchmark Realty LLC

A mortgage that does not meet the purchase requirements of the two federal agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, because it is too large or for other reasons, such as poor credit or inadequate documentation.

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A federal agency that guarantees mortgage securities that are issued against pools of FHA and VA mortgages. ...

The amount of interest, expressed in dollars, computed by multiplying the loan balance at the end of the preceding period times the annual interest rate divided by the interest accrual ...

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A plan purporting to protect FHA homebuyers against property defects. ...

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The monthly mortgage payment which, if maintained unchanged through the remaining life of the loan at the then-existing interest rate, will pay off the loan at term. ...

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