1034 Rollover Exchange (Sale Or Exchange Of The Residence)
Tax-free exchange that allows a seller two years after escrow closes on his former principal personal residence to buy like-kind property and defer taxes. Profits from the sale of a principal residence are not taxed if, essentially, the purchase price of the new residence is equal or greater than the sales price of the old residence. Also, the new residence must be acquired and personally occupied within 24 months before or after the sale of the old residence, for a 48-month period. To accurately set the amount of profit deferred, the net sales price and adjusted sales price of the old residence must be calculated. From these respective figures are derived the actual profit and minimum purchase price of the new residence to fully avoid taxes on the profit. The 24-month sale-to-replacement period offers the homeowner the opportunity to use the net sales proceeds from the old residence for short-term, high-yield money market investments. These investments are liquid and generally more lucrative than real estate acquisitions during periods of high interest rate.
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Comments for 1034 Rollover Exchange (Sale Or Exchange Of The Residence)
If I already bought a home, can I use the roll over deferral of taxes from the sale of my existing home that I am about to sell? The new home I have just bought for cash is $400,000. My current home is worth around $700,000.
Jun 26, 2021 17:38:08Hey Elaine! Thank you for reaching out to us. You should look into the "Primary Residence Exclusion" if the home you sold was your primary residence. The only condition is that you used it as a primary residence for at least 2 years of the last 5 years before selling. Through this tax exemption, you are allowed to exclude $250,000 if you are a single homeowner or up to $500,000 if the home was owned by a married couple. This type of tax exception can not be applied to your second home or a vacation home, only to the primary residence.
Jul 01, 2021 12:03:25Have a question or comment?
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