Legal abbreviation meaning with husband.
Popular Real Estate Terms
Person who dies leaving a will specifying the distribution of the estate. ...
Along with the square foot factor method, this is the most widely used method for estimating comparable building costs. The cubic foot factor method requires the computation of the cubic ...
What is a botel?, you ask. You know hotels, right? And the marketing denomination of them to motorists; the "motel”. Well, the best botel definition is “hotel for ...
Upgrading made by a lessee to leased property. Examples are paneling and wallpapering. These improvements revert to the lessor at the expiration of the lease term. As improvement costs are ...
Agreement in which the promises of the parties are revealed in words, either orally or in writing. ...
An individual against whom a court has placed a financial judgment with a creditor. For example, a court determines that Cole owes Smith $2,000 and makes Cole a judgment debtor. ...
Governmental body that reviews property tax assessment procedures. ...
See accommodation endorser, maker, or party. ...
Sometimes a landlord agrees to implement within the rent contract the possibility of the tenant buying the house at a certain price, by a certain date. It’s what’s called in the ...
Comments for Et Con
My husband passed away and his name is on the deed with mine but not on the mortgage. Can his creditors come after me and take my house for his unpaid bills that are in his name only?
Sep 23, 2020 10:46:06Hey, Tina!
We are sorry about your loss. Unfortunately, in many cases when people pass away, the estate is everything that they own. After death, if there are any debts left on the behalf of the deceased the lenders have the right to get paid from the estate. There are multiple scenarios that can happen and most commonly the heirs, take over the loan. Heirs can also refinance the mortgage or if there is a reverse mortgage on the property, the heir will inherit the home after the reverse mortgage balance is paid. In all the mentioned situations the lender has to get paid for the remaining debt. Even if the mortgage is paid and there are other unpaid bills on behalf of the deceased, since the house is the only significant asset left behind, some states might require you to sell it in order to pay non-mortgage debts.
Sep 28, 2020 12:47:37Have a question or comment?
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