Metropolitan Area
Urbanized area in and around a major city. The metropolitan area may overlap county and state boundaries and may encompass a city, its suburbs, and the orbit of its social and economic influence. For example, the New York metropolitan area is the largest overlapping portion of the states of New Jersey and Connecticut as well as numerous counties and has more than 18 million people. The New York metropolitan area is followed in size by Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, and Philadelphia.
Popular Real Estate Terms
An easement granted to a public utility. ...
A roof having two slopes on each side. The second slope is longer than the first part of the roof and extremely steep. ...
(1) Financial ability and soundness of a business or individual to afford the purchase of property. (2) Worth of the dollar in real terms considering inflation. ...
A noncurrent loan in which the principal, interest, or maturity is related to a particular index. Therefore, period adjustments are necessary to conform to the change in the applicable ...
The legal requirement of a debtor, obligor, to pay a debt and the legal right of a creditor, obligee, to demand satisfaction of a debt or enforce payment in the event of default. ...
Also known as adjoining landowners or abutting owners, adjoining owners are property owners whose property touches a common property. The definition of adjoining property owners is those ...
Heat resistance measure commonly used with insulating material, outside walls, and roofs. The higher the R value, the more heat transfer resistance a material has." ...
See concrete block. ...
Waterproofing the joint of a roof. ...
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