Neighborhood Life Cycle
Changes occurring in neighborhoods over time. The neighborhood life cycle includes the phases of birth, early growth, maturity, and decline. Not all neighborhoods pass through them more quickly the others. Neighborhoods decline for several reasons. The physical aging and deterioration of the building structures as well as the aging of the population contribute to the overall decline. Architectural obsolescence also makes these neighborhoods less attractive. Other changes include the intrusion of a business or industrial area into the neighborhood detracting from its overall quality.
Popular Real Estate Terms
Final property appraisal estimate arrived at by applying appropriate appraisal methods. ...
The definition of puffing in real estate, also known as puffering, is an exaggeration of fact bordering on falsehood. You’ve probably heard a real estate agent make outrageous claims ...
(1) Bottom of something used as support. (2) Most essential element. (3) Type of interest rate used when computing compound interest equal to: (1 + I). (4) Justification of an argument or ...
Loss of property value due to external forces of events. ...
Degree of completion or accomplishment such as a home that is 70% completed. Condition of real property. Position of an item. Legal standing such as of a case. ...
Region or locality that assesses real estate taxes on the properties located within its borders. Frequently, the local county or city is the property taxing jurisdiction which is empowered, ...
Arrears is a legal and financial term used to describe payments in regards to their due dates. While the term is more often used to refer to a contractual obligation or liability that was ...
One who donated or gives a gift or bequest. ...
Interior building trim surrounding windows, doors, and baseboards. Interior trim is both decorative and functional. It comes in several different styles and serves to finish the adjoining ...
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