Normal Wear And Tear
Deterioration in property resulting from its ordinary use and from the aging process. An examples an apartment building that physically deteriorates over the years.
Popular Real Estate Terms
The definition of an open-end lease is what happens when someone rents a property for a monthly rate with the added obligation to make a large final payment when the agreement is over to ...
The English language is brilliant. However, words can often be misleading, as their meaning depends on context. Let's take, for instance, delivery. At first, the answer to the question: ...
Prevalent type of property taxes assessed on real estate. It is usually collected by the local government and distributed among agencies to finance services. ...
Deterioration in property resulting from its ordinary use and from the aging process. An examples an apartment building that physically deteriorates over the years. ...
Builder's ten-year guarantee that their workmanship, materials, and construction are up to established standards. The HOW provides reimbursement for the cost of remedying specified defects. ...
Condensed appraisal report covering the major items. ...
Document issued by a governmental agency permitting the recipient to do something. An example is a building permit to construct a structure. ...
Generally, a statute of frauds means a legal provision outlining that essential contracts, vulnerable to misrepresentation, must be fixed in a written form to be enforceable. Although ...
You may have heard the term codicil in a conversation but might have yet to understand it entirely. What’s the codicil definition? “Codicil meaning” refers to a supplement ...
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