Ownership Rights To Realty

Definition of "Ownership rights to realty"

Amy  Parmelee real estate agent

Written by

Amy Parmeleeelite badge icon

Keuka Lake & Land Realty

The right to possess, exclusively occupy, enjoy, control, and dispose of real estate. Ownership rights to realty are granted by the ownership of a title to real property.

Comments for Ownership Rights To Realty

Martin Horsman Martin Horsman said:

what does the term Owner1, and Owner2 mean in New Mexico Home Ownership

Aug 27, 2018  13:11:10

Real Estate Agent

Hey Martin,
we need a bit more context to properly answer. But it seems that Owner 1 and 2 are for the times that the house is split in a co-ownership, like between husband and wife. To get you up and running with the specifics, contact one of our New Mexico Real Estate Agents; they will have all the answers you need!

Aug 28, 2018  10:19:24
image of a real estate dictionary page

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