Per Stirpes
Type of property distribution occurring when a person dies intestate. The estate id divided by the children of the deceased and by their children. For example, if a husband dies intestate, having survived his wife, and there were four children resulting from the union, one of whom predeceased his father after having two children of his own, the estate would be divided so the three surviving children would each receive 25% of the estate, while the two children of the deceased fourth child would each receive 12,5% of the estate.
Popular Real Estate Terms
Used primarily by real estate corporations as a means of restructuring and reorganizing existing debts. Creditors must vote on a debt-paying plan and a judge must give approval. It provides ...
Note having more than one maker, if one or more of the makers default on the note, all makers are sued jointly, rather than just one or all, to make restitution ...
The imposition or collection, usually by legal or governmental authority, of an assessment of a specified amount. An example is a tax assessment on real estate. ...
Heating system generating heat through radiation as opposed to a convection heating system. For example, baseboard heating is a radiant heating system where the heat from circulating hot ...
Amount still unpaid at a particular date on a loan or other financing agreement. ...
A loan indemnified against default by the borrower. Such loans may be a mortgage loan insured by a standard mortgage insurance policy or by FHA mortgage insurance. In the event of the death ...
A unilateral contract is a contract where only one part holds responsibility for whatever the document promises. For instance, an insurance contract is usually a unilateral contract ...
Same as term REIT: Type of investment company that invests money in mortgages and various types of investment in real estate, in order to earn profits for shareholders. Shareholders receive ...
Lessening of work assignments such as when a real estate management firm reduces the number of buildings assigned to each manager. By reducing someone's schedule, he will probably do a ...
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