Definition of "Pocket license card"

Ali Abree real estate agent

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Ali Abreeelite badge icon

Re/Max Gold Coast Realtors

Suppose you wish to become a legit professional in a specific domain. In that case, you have to get a license, an official permit, or a document. A license acknowledges your studies and expertise and officially enables you to practice in a professional line of work. Holding a mere pocket license card can be a gateway to a promising career. Let’s look at the 2021 criteria when considering the usage of pocket license cards!

Real-estate license card

The pocket license card definition is a pocket-sized real estate license issued for brokers and salespersons. It identifies the person as a real estate licensee. US states release pocket-sized real estate licenses for local real estate agents, brokers, and salespersons. Students are required to pass a real estate licensing exam. Once passed successfully, one will become a real estate licensee holding a pocket license card. 

Who Issues Pocket License Cards?

In 2021, each state’s licensing agency, also known as the National Association Of Real Estate License Law Officials (NARELLO) of each state, issues these pocket license cards. An individual that is of majority age and qualifies as a license holder becomes a licensee upon the license examination. Their sole purpose is to identify the holder as a licensee and must be on the person at all times, primarily while they practice their licensed profession.

How does a Pocket License Card look?

After the real estate license and the real estate pocket card were combined, their aspect suffered adjustments. A pocket license card is 4.36” by 2.37” in size, making it easier to display on a digital device. These license cards contain identification information to prove the license holder is, in fact, the individual who owns it. Because of that, on a pocket license card, you will find a photo of the individual, their name, business address, and the address of the affiliated broker. The printed document can be on paper of any color and quality, but it must be legible.

About license formats and responsibilities 

Pocket license cards appear mobile-friendly on an electronic display screen and printable form. Real estate licensees need to have a digital or paper pocket card license on them when they’re practicing their profession. Upon request, they must present either the digital copy or their license card’s physical format.

The career in real estate

Now that one owns a license card, one can choose from various paths careers-wise. A real estate agent or realtor undertakes assignments as a certified contractor. Still, a real estate company must employ them. Then, one can pursue the career of a real estate broker. A broker enjoys considerably more personal freedom. They can work independently at an agency. At the same time, they can establish their agency and hire a staff of real estate agents. Nonetheless, going from a realtor to a broker entails many responsibilities, and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

Working for a real estate agency

Suppose one decides to pursue a real estate agent’s career. Then, they’ll be working for an agency, assisting customers with real estate matters. A realtor typically represents the home buyer’s or seller’s best interests in a property transaction. Certified agents holding pocket license cards form a collective group of real estate agents in a particular geographical area.

Comments for Pocket License Card

Thomas Palmer Thomas Palmer said:

I need a copy of my New Jersey real estate license.

Sep 13, 2019  07:21:52

Real Estate Agent

Hi, Thomas! You should be able to obtain a copy of your real estate license from the Real Estate Commission of New Jersey. Please visit their website here: 

Sep 13, 2019  12:04:00
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