Portfolio Income
Income derived from a collection of asset investments. Real property investments produce rental and lease payment income. Investments in mortgages and other long term debt instruments produce interest income, while equity investments generate dividends.
Popular Real Estate Terms
Investment companies investing in investment instruments including real estate. Mutual funds are popular to investors and represent equity in a professionally managed portfolio of ...
Angle from north or south of a property. When a real estate appraiser does surveying, it is looked at clockwise from north. It may assist in determining the form or boundaries of land. ...
Residing in or using real estate. An example is a tenant in an office building. ...
Interior building trim surrounding windows, doors, and baseboards. Interior trim is both decorative and functional. It comes in several different styles and serves to finish the adjoining ...
Linkage of property ownership that connects the present owner to the original source of title. ...
Legal boundary of property. ...
Waterproofing the joint of a roof. ...
Same as term mortgage correspondent: Individual having permission to act ob behalf of a bank or other financial institution in a specified locality to attract interest borrowers. ...
Judicial order requiring the named person or business to act or not act on something. An example is an order to a tenant to make rental payments to a landlord. ...
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