Savings And Loan Association
Financial institution that channels the savings of its depositors mostly into mortgage and home improvement loans. It concentrates on originating , servicing, and holding mortgage loans. Traditionally, they have been the largest supplier of single-family owner-occupied residential permanent financing, although S&Ls are not limited solely to this type of financing. Savings and loan associations also make home-improvement loans and loans to investors for apartments, industrial property, and commercial real estate. Approximately 40% of the S&Ls are federally chartered, the rest are state chartered. If federal, the association must be a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS), and its funds must be insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC). All federally chartered S&Ls are mutually owned and the word 'federal' must appear in their title. State chartered S&Ls can be either mutually owned or stock associations. They have optional membership in both the FHLBS and the FSLIC. In some states, these lenders are known as building and loan associations or cooperative banks.
Popular Real Estate Terms
Beam that is supported only at one end. ...
Governmental body that reviews property tax assessment procedures. ...
Don’t know what snowbirds mean? It’s not birds made of snow. Snowbirds is a nickname given to Canadians and American people that live in the colder northern states, that, ...
Characterized by a low volume of real estate sale transactions. ...
Standard days when an organization is open and conducts business. Business days exclude weekends and holidays. ...
Apartment building in which each resident owns a percentage share of the corporation that owns the building. ...
That’s the name of the study a Real Estate Broker presents to home sellers when trying to turn them into clients. In it, by making a comparison with the available houses in the market ...
Primary residence of an individual. The principal residence can be a single family home, condominium, cooperative, or trailer. A principal residence may qualify for a homestead exemption in ...
Bond collaterized by real assets. Two kinds of mortgage bond are senior mortgages and junior mortgages. A mortgage bond may have a closed-end provision that prevents the firm from issuing ...
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