Definition of "Story"

Debra & Dennis Rutledge real estate agent

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The Pipal Group

What is the meaning of a story, and what is it good for? The story definition is a floor, level, or deck in a construction or building. 

What does story mean in real estate?

A real estate story or “storey” (in British English) regularly means a building’s horizontal level built one above another as part of the building’s general construction. Planning stories is an essential part of the construction cycle

Architects, the real estate industry artists, put particular emphasis on designing resilient floors in their real estate blueprints.

A story real estate could mean any level part of a construction or structure with a floor. Usually, people use it for living, working, storing goods, and recreation. 

What does story mean, and how is it numbered in an American building?

For instance, if a new construction or older property has twenty floors, you might say it’s a 20-story building. On the other hand, in the States, the ground floor can be found on the street level and is often called the first floor. As a result, a different numbering of stories is created (depending on the region). 

At ground level, the first floor or story and ground floor are often the same in the United States. Moreover, the term “lobby” or “main floor” may refer to the building’s entry. The second level is the story directly above it, and so on. 

How is “real estate story” terminology used?

Although Canada has retained the Commonwealth spelling of "storey," the English-speaking regions largely adhere to American standards. Previously used in Quebec, the European system has since largely been supplanted by the US system, making rez-de-chaussée and premier étage ("first stage") identical terms there (source: Wikipedia). Mexico utilizes the European system, in contrast.

What are the advantages of adding another story to your home?

At first sight, it may appear like an extraordinary step to increase your small living space by tearing off your house's roof and building an extension with a second story. However, there are some circumstances when a whole home remodel makes sense. 

For instance, when you don't wish to leave your old residence (primarily if it's located in a small and family-friendly environment). In some other cases, you might be preparing for the arrival of new family members. Plans for a second-story expansion can save a lot of money. On the flip side, consider that living in a big house can hurt family ties.


A building permit is usually necessary when making improvements or alterations to a residential structure or starting new construction. 

The next step is to obtain the required permits to begin building. Building permits, electrical permits, plumbing permits, and other essential permissions are all part of the permit process. Before starting any project, check the local permission requirements! Also, seek out a licensed professional contractor’s advice!

How to go about adding an extra story?

Let’s see the most creative and efficient ways to add a second story to your home! 

  • First, you can build the story from zero. One choice is disassembling the roof and constructing a new upper level from the beginning. Remember to use eco-friendly building materials!
  • Second, you can remove your old roof by cutting it along its borders, then reinstalling it once the additional level has been enclosed. Either way, consider re-roofing your home if a more extended period has passed since the last time.
  • Take modular designs into consideration! A second-story addition that is designed and built off-site and then transported to your existing home in its finished state. It is frequently the most accessible and affordable technique to create an additional level on your house.
  • Expanding an upper level across an existing one-story part, such as a flat-roof garage or porch, is the fourth strategy for your real estate story addition.

When adding a second story to your property, watch for the following design tips! Some property foundations can't support extra levels. For this reason, work with a structural engineer who can confirm whether the plan is viable. 

They will also consider height restrictions because local building codes can limit the height of ridgelines for real estate in neighborhoods. Also, the windows on the new story should match the old ones. For the most reliable quality, we recommend you install impact-resistant windows!

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