Definition of "Subsequent"

Thomas  Eason real estate agent

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Regularly, subsequent means something which occurs at a later date. In other words, a subsequent event follows a prior occurrence. For example, new circumstances arise after a contract is signed, requiring a revision to the original terms.

Explore the everyday use of subsequent!

As an adjective, subsequent means an occurrence following in time. Think of future or subsequent retail developments affecting your home’s worth. Besides, it implies something following in order of place, as in following or next. Its most often used synonyms are sequent, consecutive, consequent, ensuing, and successive. 

Examples of ‘subsequent’ in everyday speech 

In everyday discourse, you might have heard the term subsequent in the following scenarios. 

  • Scholars have discovered virtually nothing about the writer’s subsequent years. 
  • According to popular conception, their subsequent illness directly resulted from their sins.
  • The subsequent home design trends are yet to be seen. 
  • In subsequent years, more eco-friendly green car changes will be implemented worldwide.

Disambiguation of terms: subsequent, consequence, and result

People tend to need clarification about the meanings of the words, consequences, and subsequent. 

A result is a concrete and tangible outcome.

For starters, the word ‘result’ refers to a concrete and clearly defined thing, such as scores, answers to yes/no questions, and specific numbers. Think of doing a blood test for a disease and receiving the results. Or, you can do a  math equation and get the result.

A consequence is more ambiguous. 

On the other hand, the consequence is the ‘result’ of an antecedent thing or cause. As opposed to results, consequences are harder to define. An individual’s action can trigger an effect. You wouldn’t ask what’s the consequence of the test. Instead, a consequence reflects the impact of a specific action. 

For instance, you should have made essential home improvements. Therefore, the home appraisal expert gave your property a bad review. Another example is neglecting to install smart home devices, and now you’ll have to pay higher household bills.  

Subsequent is the next thing in line.

Subsequent may not be related to consequence. It could only mean the next thing that happened in time. Consider Austin’s present economic prospects and subsequent growth, which will boost its local real estate market. There’s a set of current circumstances, in our case prospects, and “subsequent” defines economic development as the next thing that happens in time.

The specific use of ‘subsequent’ in contract law

The so-called ‘condition subsequent’ describes a particular event ending a party’s duty to perform a task outlined in a written contract’s clauses. In other words, a ‘condition subsequent’ terminates a previously valid contract and ends both parties’ obligations and responsibilities. They no longer have to keep their contractual promises.

What does ‘condition subsequent’ mean in divorce?

Once a marriage ends, things can get messy since real estate and divorce can lead to heated debates between spouses. Under such circumstances, a divorce is a ‘condition subsequent’ to a prenuptial agreement. The clause defines that in the event of a breakup, interest in valuables, assets, and real estate reverts to the original proprietor.  

Final thoughts on ‘condition subsequent’

When a ‘condition subsequent’ emerges, it nullifies any obligation to perform a responsibility. Additionally, it can terminate rights to the interest present under the terms of the contract. For this reason, it’s essential to read any agreement and locate any situations that can be ‘conditions subsequent.’ Moreover, it’s crucial to determine the consequences if these situations indeed happen. 

By all means, contract law can be challenging to grasp. Thus, we recommend employing a lawyer or real estate attorney to review the proposed contract. They will enlighten you that either party can contest any clause before signing the agreement.

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