Definition of "Land Surveyor"

Kyle McCarthy real estate agent

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When looking for the definition of a land surveyor, most definitions are quite simple and concise: a land surveyor is a person who measures the distance between two points, the angle between lines and the geographical position of a property in a professional manner. The information he/she collects is the base for property maps. One of the most important land surveys conducted is the one that determines the boundaries for ownership, also known as the boundary survey. A land surveyor has different attributions than an assessor or appraiser.  

There are many types of land surveys that can be ordered for different purposes. For example, a mortgage survey is usually requested by a mortgage company or a bank before issuing a loan. Site layout surveys are used by engineers and building companies to know exactly where to place the components of a building project or public constructions and utilities.

Depending on experience, a land surveyor may earn between $50,000 and $100,000 annually. Land surveyors are in demand, and there will always be a need for land surveyors as the country will continue to expand its infrastructure. Some companies may hire surveyors only with a high school diploma or GED, but to be better prepared for the job, a 4-year bachelor’s degree in surveying, mapping, or geomatics is a great choice. Some states may also require a degree program approved by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). Preparation for a land surveyor career also opens other opportunities, such as the possibility to work as a GPS technician, a deed and lease researcher or as a civil engineering assistant. Land surveyors may become members of the National Society of Professional Surveyors or the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) as well as The American Congress on Surveying and Mapping.

A land survey refers to the surface of the land, its topography and geographical coordinates (mapping), while a soil survey analyzes the chemical/organic composition of the soil, whether it is suitable for building or not, predicting how the soil will behave -it’s important to distinguish between these two.  

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