Title Defect
Title deficiency that prevents a seller from successfully transferring property to a buyer. A title company may discover a title defect ( due to encumbrances against the property or failure of a former co-owner of the property to sign a deed transferring the title, etc.) in preparation for a closing, effectively blocking the sale of the property until the defect is resolved.
Popular Real Estate Terms
A convex vaulted curvature often spherical in shape usually built atop of a building. Domes can be constructed of any material including masonry, wood, glass or steel. They can be ...
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is a measure of the cost of credit that must be reported by lenders under the Truth in Lending regulations. The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) takes into ...
Fee charged by a lender to a borrower for a standby commitment. ...
A liability that does not go beyond the owner's investment in a real estate business. A corporation and limited partners have this benefit. The stockholders of a corporation usually have ...
Also called interim financing. A mortgage that provides the funds necessary for the building or construction of a real estate project. The project can be a residential subdivision, a ...
Transfer of title based on a preceding title transfer of conveyance. A derivative conveyance increases, ratifies, moderates, renews or transfers the stake created by the original ...
The term effective interest rate is the actual return from a savings account or any investment where you pay interest when considering the effects of compounding costs over time. Through an ...
Plywood whose surface is given parallel scratches or grooves in the manufacturing process. It provides, increased bond to adhesives, mortar, plaster, or stucco as well as giving a grain ...
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