Upset Date
provision in a written agreement allowing the prospective purchaser the right to cancel the contract if occupancy requirements are not satisfied as of a specific date.
Popular Real Estate Terms
Also called profit and loss statement. A financial statement depicting a business entity's operating performance and reports the components of net income, including sales of real estate, ...
Act of postponing a closing for another day or place. Adjournments of closing can occur for a variety of reasons including the lack of an appropriate closing statement, one or more parties ...
Number of range grassland acres needed to support one animal unit for a specified period of time or grazing season. ...
Something that is hidden or overlooked and may be realized at a later time. For example, an individual's name is improperly spelled on a title deed, and the oversight is not noticed until ...
A real estate broker who lists and sells houses or condominiums, as distinguished from a commercial broker who handles business property. ...
To acquit, exonerate, absolve, or discredit allegations. ...
Book value is a quintessential term used in the financial world and the real estate business. Though, there are slight differences in its interpretation in these two areas of ...
Another residence in addition to the main residence where a person or family resides. An example is a second home out of the city used on weekends and during vacations. Interest and real ...
Judicial order prohibiting a person or business from doing something. The court may issue this dictate when unlawful conduct or activity is occurring. ...
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