How Are The Schools In Annapolis Maryland?

Definition of "How are the schools in Annapolis Maryland?"

Michele Hagan real estate agent

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Century 21 New Millennium

Within the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland lies the charming city of Annapolis, MD in Anne Arundel County. It is one of the most desirable places to live in and people argue that it is one of the best places to live in the US. It has a population of about 40,000 people and the median age of 37 years makes it a perfect place for families with children as well as seniors who are looking for a comfortable retirement home.

The scenic streets in downtown Annapolis are filled with history and colonial architecture that takes you back in time. Also, the culinary scene is impressive and you will find some of the best places to eat in Annapolis, MD to be quite satisfying. Some of the residents admit that Annapolis, MD is a good place to live and from what we have seen so far it is exceptional.

But, if you decide to relocate here, first you should get in touch with one of our real estate agents in Annapolis MD and they will find the perfect home in the ideal location for you. Second, you should enroll your children in some of the best schools within Annapolis, MD. Or maybe you are looking for a good place to study and follow a career path yourself. In that case, you need to know, how are the schools in Annapolis, Maryland, and which are the top ones?

What are the top-rated schools in Annapolis, Maryland?

Some of the best schools in Annapolis, MD are rated based on academic performance, environment, diversity, teacher performance, and others. Based on these results, Chesapeake Science Point Public Charter School comes out as one of the best-rated middle school along with West Annapolis Elementary School. Both of these schools have a teacher to student ratio of 15 to 1 and they are praised as being some of the best schools around with incredible results and a great environment.

In terms of high schools, Annapolis High School has almost 2000 students enrolled and it is one of the prestigious high schools in the area. Broadneck High School is also a well-known school in the area with good results and high enrollment.

Can you follow a military career path in Annapolis, Maryland?

If you are looking for a military education than, arguably Annapolis, MD is the best place where you can get it. The prestigious US Navy Academy is located in Annapolis, Maryland and it is hard not to see the military influence over the area. It is definitely one of the most challenging and hard schools to graduate from but it is very rewarding and the next generation of military personal who are willing to serve their country is born within the academy.

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