Definition of "How to become a listing agent?"

Pursuing a real estate career is not easy, however, the rewards can be great if you stick to it and do your best in order to get better. Real estate has many faces to it, and you can get involved either as an investor, developer or as a real estate agent. But, you are here because you want to find out more about how to become a real estate agent, and specifically a listing agent?

There is a debate about whether it is better to be a buyers agent or a listing agent, however, many would tell you that being a listing agent is by far the best way to go as a real estate agent and the job that pays off the most. Becoming a real estate agent is not as hard as becoming a successful real estate agent if you know what I mean? Getting your license and being able to legally represent clients is just the first step. You have to continuously evolve and become better in order to be successful long term.

Knowing what is a buyer's agent is probably the first thing you should know before becoming a licensed real estate agent. On the other hand knowing what is the difference between sellers agent vs buyer's agent, might help you get a deeper understanding of what is expected of you as an agent.

In order to become a licensed real estate agent you have to:

  • Take a real estate course before licensing
  • Take the real estate licensing exam
  • Activate your real estate license
  • Become a real estate agent
  • Join a brokerage in order to be able to legally represent clients

On the other hand, it might take some time in order to grow and start earning a decent income out of it. The first few years are usually not a very good one, and even though many say that it is way more profitable to become a listing agent rather than a buyers agent, you would have to start somewhere and work your way up.

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