Definition of "Is Chesterfield VA a city?"

Jacqueline Butterworth real estate agent

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Jacqueline Butterworthelite badge icon

Ingram & Assoc Hopewell

For those who are trying to figure out what exactly is Chesterfield, VA we are going to come up with an explanation to clear the air. It might be complicated to differentiate but we will do our best. Chesterfield, VA is not, technically speaking, a city. While it is considered one by many, Chesterfield, VA is actually a census-designated place (CDP), and a county. There are two and many refer to them by the commonly known name “Chesterfield”. For those seeking to relocate to Chesterfield, VA, the so-called city, we’ll explain how that goes. You can also get in touch with the local real estate agents in Chesterfield VA to find out more information about this place. The area has a rich history that anyone will appreciate.

Chesterfield, VA CDP

Chesterfield, VA is an affordable community that has been a census-designated place during the 2000 census when it had a population of around 3,500. During the 2010 census the status of this unincorporated community did not change.Its full name has been selected, and still is to this day Chesterfield Court House. It currently has a population of approximately 4,000 residents. Chesterfield, VA CDP has a population density of 1,563 residents per square mile.

It spreads across 2.3 square miles below the World War II Veterans Memorial Highway and is bordered to the left by the Swift Creek. The western border can be pinpointed by the Salem Church Road while the southern limit of Chesterfield, VA CDP is located where the Iron Bridge Road meets Chesterfield Meadows Drive.

Something particular about Chesterfield Court House the CDP is that it has been the county seat of Chesterfield County since 1749 until modern day, except during 1870-1876.

Chesterfield County, VA

Residents refer to it simply as Chesterfield, VA or Chesterfield County, VA as it is a county. The county is located south of Richmond, VA and was formed from a part of Henrico County in 1749. The name comes from a respected English statesman, Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield, also sharing its name with a city from the UK. There are currently around 360,000 residents in all of Chesterfield County being the 5th largest county in Virginia. Chesterfield County has a population density of 720 residents per square mile.

In its entirety, it comprises 437 square miles, a much bigger geographical area than Chesterfield, VA CDP. In the north-east it is bordered by the large James Riverand and to the south-west the limit is made by the thin Appomattox River which is continued by Lake Chesdin. 

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