Is Clermont Florida A Good Place To Live?

Definition of "Is Clermont Florida a Good Place to Live?"

You probably know Clermont for its proximity to Orlando, its gorgeous parks and scintillating nightlife, and its large community of migratory retirees known as snowbirds. However, none of these are a good way to ascertain whether or not Clermont would be a good home for you; so let’s find out whether or not Clermont is is a good place to live! 

Property values in Clermont

Let’s start with property values. Clermont is currently a great place to buy a home! Property values are rising quickly, and housing prices are steadily growing higher, even though the average property value in Clermont is only $269,000. Property values have risen 3.9 percent in the last year, and are predicted to rise even more. Now is the time to buy! 

If you are interested in getting in on the housing market in the area, you’ll need to find top ranked real estate agents in Clermont FL to help you. Your new real estate agent will help you find the best value, in an area that is trending upwards, so you’re sure to get your money’s worth! 

Schools in Clermont

Before moving to Clermont, you must know that your future neighbors are very well educated - more than a third say they have some college or associate’s degree. More than 90% have graduated from high school. So, since Clermont is residential in character, children can attend one of the 30 schools. From the 6 elementary schools, the best is Lost Lake Elementary School. There are also 6 middle schools and 4 high schools, with Lake Minneola High School at the top of the list. If public schools don’t satisfy your child’s educational needs, try to find what the 9 private and charter schools have to offer. Nevertheless, don’t forget that Clermont is also known as The Choice of Champions. So, if your kids are good at sports, they will be surrounded by great trainers who will put them in the right mindset to achieve success. Real estate agents in Clermont are confident that you will find a good school for your children, so don’t hesitate to contact them. The sooner, the better! 

Crime rates in Clermont 

Clermont is a relatively peaceful community, with lower than average violent crime rates when compared to the rest of Florida. With its community of primarily middle aged and elderly residents, the type of crimes most often perpetrated in Clermont are non-violent, with theft and burglary being the most common. Law enforcement in the area are well funded and well trained;  the community of Clermont can sleep easily knowing someone is watching out for them. 


Attractions in Clermont 

One of Clermont’s best selling points is the wide range of activities and attractions. Clermont is home to a wide variety of parks, restaurants, bars, clubs and other things to do and see. Living here is never boring!  

Then of course, Clermont is situated a short ways from Orlando, which is home to the world famous theme parks and resorts that make up Disney World and its franchise attractions. A sprawling group of complexes, populated with restaurants, hotels, theme parks and connected by monorail, Disney World is an experience every American should experience once at the very least. If you move to Clermont, you can experience it every weekend! 

But Disney World is not the only thing to see. Orlando is home to dozens of things to do, from Sea World’s majestic displays showcasing mammoth orcas and trained dolphins, to the beautiful, elegant mystique of the Cirque du Soleil. 

To answer the question "is Clermont a good place to live"; the answer seems clear. Without a doubt, Clermont is not just a good place to live; it’s a great place to live. 

Average Temperature in Clermont

Clermont is home to some of the most temperate weather in the United States, with the temperature never getting unbearably hot and winters rarely dropping below a balmy 65 degrees. Rainfall is average, with minimal humidity and a lot of sun. If you like warm weather, Clermont is the place for you! 

What types of Jobs can I find in Clermont?

Clermont has plenty of available jobs, from real estate sales, to corporate finance to law enforcement. The average salary is modest, but housing is affordable and real estate values are steady, with real estate holding its value or even increasing. Whatever your profession, you should have no trouble finding work in Clermont.

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