Definition of "Is couchsurfing safe?"

Pat Heath real estate agent

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Pat Heathelite badge icon

Keller Williams Realty

If you’ve ever tried traveling on a limited budget, chances are you’ve run into your fair share of difficulties. Dealing with budget airlines, car rental companies, sketchy motels and various other annoyances can leave you burned out and broke. But what if I told you there was a way you could avoid paying for lodging ever again? 

That’s right; through a service called Couchsurfing, you can save hundreds or thousands of dollars, and spend that money on safer and more comfortable traveling methods. Now, you’re probably thinking “oh, couchsurfing sounds too good to be true. Is it even safe?” That’s the question we’re here to answer! 

Couchsurfing’s safety features 

The short answer is yes, couchsurfing is actually very safe! The couchsurfing service has implemented a number of safeguards against malicious use, which are highly effective in preventing anyone from using it for anything other than its intended purpose. 

First of all, couchsurfing utilizes a review system that is set up to be difficult to circumvent, and user reviews are public. As a common sense measure, users can accept or reject any host or guest, so the decision to host or surf is up to the judgement and intuition.

For an added layer of security, users can also pay to become verified, which adds an extra defense against malicious use. This process is completed by sending pictures and a valid ID increases security and appeal, but is not obligatory for users. 

At the end of the day, no house sharing platform is going to be 100% safe, and no security measure is 100% effective. However, with these kinds of savings, you'd be kicking yourself if you didn't at least try it, right? You'll be glad you did. And, when you add up the savings, your wallet will too! 

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