Definition of "Is Savannah GA safe?"

Connell Sims real estate agent

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ProStead Realty

As one of the most beautiful cities in America, the city of Savannah, GA attracts travelers from all over the country every year. The amazing architectural style combined with the very modern experiences it provides makes this southern affordable jewel a must see destination. Located close to the Atlantic Ocean this historical city does not only offer proximity to amazing beaches but, as it is surrounded by several rivers it is a good place to live for anyone who likes the water.

But of course, before visiting the first city of Georgia or deciding to move there with the help of the best real estate agents in Savannah, GA you probably want to know how safe the city is. It is important for your family to know that they will be going to a place where they will feel safe. So do your research and know that comparing a city’s crime rates to an area that you’re familiar with is always a good way to go.

Safety rating for Savannah, GA

Wherever you look online you will find the general agreement that the Historic District of Savannah, GA is considered the safest part to be in. This is great news if you arrive here to visit for a few days. However, if you are thinking of relocating to this amazing city, that information isn’t exactly what you are looking for. Because even if you do purchase a house within the Historic District, you will move around the city and eventually go outside of the Historic District.

One thing you have to know is that Savannah, GA is similar to any other city in America. There are neighborhoods that are safe and areas that are less welcoming. Knowing which area fits where is important but also, take in consideration to use common sense. Wearing flashy jewelry or obviously expensive items isn’t a good idea anywhere, and Savannah, GA falls in that anywhere category.


With crime rates that are similar to Georgia’s average, at 23.98 per 1,000 residents for property crimes and 3.99 per 1,000 residents for violent crimes, Savannah, GA is also similar to other cities its size.

Safest neighborhoods to live in Savannah, GA

For those who like to live right by the water, we have some good news. The neighborhoods that are considered the safest in Savannah, GA are those by the ocean. Skidaway Island, Riverside and everything from there to the ocean are the safest neighborhoods. 

Least safe neighborhoods to live in Savannah, GA

As mentioned before, the Historic District is considered one of the safest areas in Savannah, GA. The least safe areas are around the Historic District, except the southern part. So it would be best to stay away from areas like Clearview, Carver Village, Staley Heights or Fairfield at night. In these areas it is best to walk accompanied, with purpose and act like you know where you are going. Leave your handbag at home and settle for a backpack or crossbody bag.

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