Definition of "Is Severna Park MD a city?"

Susan Murray real estate agent

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Maryland is one of the smaller states of America that really stands out for its beauty and diversity. Different types of climates make for different types of flora, therefore, in Maryland, the topography ranges from sandy dunes on the east, to low marshlands with diverse fauna and flora to the west.

Within the state, Anne Arundel County is home to the picturesque Severna Park. Just 8 miles away from the capital, 17 miles away from Baltimore and 39 miles east of Washington, Severna Park, MD is a good place to live not only for its convenient location but also because of its family-friendly environment. Its waterfront communities offer residents plenty of opportunities to engage in water-related activities or sports and the green areas around the waterfront make Severna Park a vibrant place with a clean and fresh look.


Although it is often referred to as the city of Severna Park, MD, it’s purpose puts it in a different category. If you are wondering whether Severna Park, MD is a city or not, then we hope to provide some clarity so that you can understand some of the aspects related to this city.


Is Severna Park, MD a census-designated place?

A census-designated place is designated by the United States Census Bureau for statistical purposes only. Census-designated places or CDPs are counterparts of incorporated places that have been used since 1980 in the decennial census with the sole purpose of gathering and correlation of statistical data. CPDs are populated areas that include one unincorporated community for which it is named and the boundaries of a CDP have no legal status.


Severna Park, MD is a census-designated place with a population of about 39,000 people from which about 90% are caucasian residents. The median age of the population is around 40 years making it a good retirement destination for seniors, but young couples and families expect a good quality of life living in Severna Park, MD as well.


If you want to experience some of the aspects that make Severna Park unique, make sure you contact one of our realtors in Severna Park MD and find a new home in one of the cities’ most vibrant communities.

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