Is Virginia Beach VA A Good Place To Live?

Definition of "Is Virginia Beach VA a good place to live?"

If you’re reading this, the chances are you’re interested in moving to Virginia Beach, VA, this drop-dead gorgeous resort megacity (the largest city in Virginia.) Let’s shed some light on what you should expect from living in this fabulous beach town!

The housing market in Virginia Beach is tempting.

Real estate-wise, this is prime time to invest in the real estate market in Virginia Beach. Though the median home selling price has increased by about eight percent since 2021, properties remained reasonably priced. On average, you can buy real estate for $350,000 in Virginia Beach’s metropolitan area. 

The price is impressive since we’re talking about the state’s most populous city (reaching half a million soon) and an up-and-coming strategic region.

Suppose you’re fascinated with the idea of moving to Virginia Beach. Then it would be best to get in touch with the best local real estate agents in Virginia Beach VA! Besides hooking you up with a low-cost property, they can advise you to invest in local vacation homes that will be a good source for a second income.

Every day is a holiday in Virginia Beach!

What does being on holiday every single day sound like? Essentially, living in Virginia Beach enables you to experience an unconventional vacation idea pushed to its extreme. 

The coastal city features all the must-have ingredients, such as the longest pleasure beach strips and the famous Boardwalk with the astonishing Neptune Statue. In addition, you can visit family-friendly venues, for instance, the world-renowned Virginia Aquarium, and explore the region’s unique underwater wildlife. 

Colorful local vibes in Virginia Beach

Locals ranked Virginia Beach high on the livability score, grading it with 79 points out of 100, which is genuinely excellent. Residents nurture a strong sense of community, reaching out to those in need. Streets, yards, and sidewalks are well-kept, and crime rates are unbelievably low. No wonder our charming city figures on the list of the safest cities in the United States

You’ll find educated folks creating plenty of popular seasonal events and festivals, such as Funk Fest Beach Party, Neptune’s Fall Wine Festival, and countless mindblowing oceanfront live music events. Plus, few places can beat Virginia Beach regarding out-of-the-box recreational activities and green spaces.

Undoubtedly, people wouldn’t feel so secure if the local economy wasn’t steady. Stats on average revenue and median household income (outdoing the national average) serve as evidence that the economy in Virginia Beach is, in brief, booming.

The downers of living in Virginia Beach

There’s no light without some shadows hanging over.

The Jets are rambunctious!

Residents often report that living on the beach requires putting up with the aggravating noise generated by jets flying by. Did you know that several military air force bases are stationed next to Virginia Beach, such as the Naval Air Station Oceana? You can find (and hear it) on the eastern side of Virginia Beach. 

Suppose you don’t particularly fancy the experience echoing living next to an airport. To prevent unpleasant surprises, we recommend you look into the noise-zone map before selecting a specific neighborhood and contact skilled and licensed realtors in the city! 

Humidity and little flying monsters

Unfortunately, the humidity in the area can get genuinely high during summer, creating the perfect environment for mosquitoes to thrive. But they don’t take a liking to all blood types!

A slightly higher cost of living

Though the local economy is in tip-top shape, with an unemployment rate significantly lower than the national average, you’d better prepare yourself for higher prices. As a result, the cost of living in Virginia Beach was about 5.6 percent higher than the US median and four percent pricier than the state average at the end of 2021.


Virginia Beach offers royal treatment to all its visitors and new residents. The sunny resort city effortlessly satisfies every target demographic’s housing, job, economic, and recreational demands, regardless of age and interests. Therefore, Virginia Beach successfully launched itself to dethrone the best places to live in Florida regarding trending relocation destinations in the US

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