What Are The Best Neighborhoods In Canton GA?
Canton Georgia is one of the state’s best cities, and one of the top destinations for those seeking a quiet, relaxing place to live. Maybe you’ve got a family, and you are looking for a safe place to put down roots that just happens to have great educational opportunities as well.
Maybe you just want a nice place to retire, where you can escape the fast-paced hustle and bustle of city life. Whatever it is you’re looking for, it’s brought you here, seeking out the best neighborhoods in Canton GA. So what are the best neighborhoods in Canton? Let’s find out!
Mills Ridge
The neighborhood of Mountain View lies due south of Canton proper and is one of the best areas of Canton to live in. With a median household income of almost $100,000, it’s significantly above average as far as household income is concerned. Another great perk of Mills Ridge is attractiveness to families, almost 75% of its residents are families, and the schools in its school zone are excellent.
Bellview Heights
For those on a tighter budget, the neighborhood of Bellview Heights provides a great compromise between affordability, safety, and household income. With a median household income of around $56,000, this neighborhood shines as a great option for those without the means to move into one of the more affluent neighborhoods in Canton. Additionally, over 75% of its residents are families, making this an attractive neighborhood for those with kids!
Laurel Canyon
If you’re looking for the absolute most inexpensive option without sacrificing safety or education opportunities, then Laurel Canyon might just be the place for you. With decently low crime rates and moderately high median household income, this could just be the perfect place for those with a family but only limited resources.
Whatever your budget or preferences, you’ll need to contact one of the top real estate agents in Canton GA before you move to this relaxed southern paradise. Once you’ve taken this step, you’ll be that much closer to living in the beautiful city of Canton GA!
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Popular Real Estate Glossary Terms
Urbanized area in and around a major city. The metropolitan area may overlap county and state boundaries and may encompass a city, its suburbs, and the orbit of its social and economic ...
Property that is zoned for industrial use, including manufacturing, research and development purposes, factory office and warehouse space, and industrial parks. ...
Provision in a mortgage that requires the final payment to be substantially more than all other payments. ...
Foreclosure sale enable in those states permitting the use of a power of sale clause to be inserted into a mortgage or deed of trust empowering the mortgagee to advertise and sell a ...
Gets rid of unwanted substances and materials from a residence or office building. Waste includes solids and liquids, hazardous and nonhazardous materials. ...
Window(s) situated on top of a structure to furnish air and light for the inside. ...
Right to select something or perform some act. An example is a renter of property that is given the option to buy the home at the end of the rental period or to renew the lease. Not ...
Portion of a deed that states the act and date of the transfer of the property. ...
Null or void something; Revoke or destroy; rescind or set aside; abandon; abolish; repeal; surrender; waive; terminate. In real estate, to void a buy or sell order, price, or quantity. The ...
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