What Is Charlotte NC Known For?

Definition of "What is Charlotte NC known for?"

Betty Latsonas real estate agent

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Keller Williams Experience Realty

In order to pick one thing that Charlotte, NC is known for you have to overlook several amazing things about this city. Stepping away from insane roller coasters you’ll find amazing museums that tell you the entire story of the city. Walking around the city it’s hard not to notice the beauty of Charlotte, NC and also it’s continuous population growth. Many people move here as it is one of the most important commercial hubs of North Carolina while also offering many opportunities for its residents to enjoy their life in Charlotte. You can become one of these residents by simply contacting the local real estate agents in Charlotte, NC.

One thing that does stand out and is also unavailable in any other city, nearby or anywhere else really, is NASCAR. And we’re not only referring to the tracks as car sports and race tracks are available elsewhere as well. What Charlotte, NC has that no other place does is NASCAR itself, the whole concept, and everything the sport means for the community as well as the country.


The truth behind NASCAR is all about illegal activities. Bootlegging to be exact. Moonshine was the fuel that ignited the need for fast cars and impeccable driving techniques. With cars that weren’t following the standard mechanical engines anymore as they needed to deliver their cargo - moonshine - fast while also escaping the prohibition’s enforcers; cars that needed stability for their cargo so that the jars of alcohol wouldn’t crack; cars that needed drivers who were capable of driving in the worst of conditions; those cars and drivers started to race. At first on unsteady roads, then on dirt roads and step by step, they went onto the NASCAR tracks.

Now, moonshine has been taken out of the races and the former outlaw drivers are attending White House receptions regularly.

The race for racing

Officially incorporated in 1948, the National Association for Stock Car Racing - also known as NASCAR - began it’s legal journey to what is today one of the most beloved and followed racing sports. It’s started, however, in Daytona Beach, Florida in the mid-1920s where many racing enthusiasts would gather. A mechanic and auto repair shop owner, William France, Jr. moved there to study the phenomenon and grew to realize the many differences between races and rules. Upon gathering some members of the racing community they managed to set down some rules that would be followed and so NASCAR came to life with France as its first president.

The first official NASCAR race, also named Strictly Stock race took place in 1949 on the Charlotte Speedway in North Carolina. That first race had over 13,000 spectators. Many other tracks were opened during the following years but to this day, Charlotte is the home of NASCAR.

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