What Is Chesterfield VA Known For?

Definition of "What is Chesterfield VA known for?"

Diane Ogburn Wiley real estate agent

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Diane Ogburn Wileyelite badge icon

Weichert Realtors, Brockwell & Associates

Located in the heart of Virginia, just south of Richmond, VA, the unincorporated area of Chesterfield, VA is the county seat of Chesterfield County. There are many reasons for this area to be known and they all have historical significance as in Chesterfield, VA and Chesterfield County areas gave birth to many firsts for the nation.

With many historical sites and campsites, the area provides an ample variety of interactive activities and things to do for the residents of Chesterfield, VA. Because of that, the affordable cost of living and safety ratings makes Chesterfield VA a good place to live for families, retirees and retired military personnel. History buffs of all ages will find the entire area astounding as the natural beauty and the honest appreciation of its history make a perfect combination. Getting in touch with the local real estate agents in Chesterfield, VA will give you the opportunity to walk among historical places with your children and grandchildren so that the rich culture that created this country becomes a part of their lives.


Many native Americans lived here for thousands of years before the first English settlers arrived and this history is kept alive through the Pocahontas State Park where is also located one of the 10 most appreciated campsites in the country. The Powhatan chief in trying to accomplish early peace with the newcomers allowed for Pocahontas to marry John Smith. This eased the tensions for a while but with the coming expansion and a poor harvest in 1617, tensions arose again this time leading to battles between the Native Americans and the English settlers. The story of Pocahontas has been intensely embellished by the media through films and animations, but the real story happened here. Chesterfield, VA was also the second permanent settlement established in 1611.

Firsts in Chesterfield’s history

Chesterfield, VA and the area of Chesterfield County have also gone down in history for implementing the first ironworks, the first commercial cultivation of tobacco as well as the first commercially-mined coal in the entire North American continent.

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