What Is The Average Home Price In Austin TX?

Definition of "What is the average home price in Austin TX?"

Lawrence Gillikin real estate agent

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Brookstone Realtors Llc

Austin, the capital of Texas, became an attractive relocation destination for many families and young professionals. Indeed, they’re drawn to this place due to its countless economic perks, family-friendly vibes, a sense of genuine community, and a series of high-quality pastime activities. Did you know that notable economic specialists from Forbes consider the city the most rapidly growing financial hub in the state and nationwide? 

Let’s analyze how these unique advantages influenced the housing market in Austin! Is it an ideal time to purchase a house in the City of the Violet Crown?

Discover real estate market trends in Austin, Texas!

Since 2019, the real estate market in Austin, Texas, has steadily been picking up. Property prices became pricier and pricier as the local economy thrived. In June 2019, the median home sale price in Austin, TX, was about $400,000. In May 2022, expert local real estate agents in Austin Texas, reported the absolute record in sale prices, reaching almost $700,000! 

Prices have moderately decreased ever since. As of June 2022, the median real estate sale price was approximately $630,000. Realtors in Austin stated prices increased by about six percent compared to last year’s numbers. 

Austin home prices compared to the national and state averages.

The Federal Reserve Economic Data established the median home sale price at $428,700 nationally in 2022. Thus, you can see how homes in Austin are in great demand but pricer simultaneously. 

Austin real estate prices cost more than the Texas average by about 81 percent. At the same time, rental units are also costlier than the Lone Star State average by about 21 percent.

Is it worth buying a home in Austin?

Investing in real estate is the best decision you can bring, especially in such a dynamically changing and developing economy as Austin’s. Prices are increasing firmly in the region. For this reason, we recommend you take advantage of the momentary minor bump in the rise (as prices dropped by $70,000.) It’s high time you purchase a home, townhouse, condo, land, or even money-making warehouse.

However, let’s call a spade a spade; Austin’s housing market has been labeled very competitive; in other words, it’s a seller’s market. This brings bad news for real estate investors and homebuyers with a somewhat limited budget, for there’s no wiggle room for price negotiations. Renting an apartment in the city might be a more cost-effective solution. Suppose you’re set on moving to the “City of the Violet Crown” because living in Austin, Texas, electrifies you. Then, don’t worry and reach out to experienced realtors in Austin! They can offer you their valuable assistance in purchasing a home in “Waterloo” that will perfectly suit your and your family’s housing requirements!

Should you sell your property in Austin, Texas, now?

Home sellers in Austin are having a ball in 2022. They can finally experience what an ideal past investment can result in the present. Suppose you need a high return on investment. In that case, selling your home in Austin is the best way to achieve it now! Firstly, property in the city (and yes, this expands to the metro area as well) sells, on average, after 29 days on the market, some with waived real estate contingencies. 

Secondly, real estate in Austin usually receives multiple offers from homebuyers. As a result, many homes sell above the initial list price. Moreover, suppose you own a “hot property” in a trendy neighborhood, such as downtown, Rosedale, or Windsor Road, in that case, you might sell your residence by eleven percent more than you originally planned. 


Austin's real estate market is booming. In 2022, real estate prices rose moderately, surpassing the national median value. We reported as soon as 2021 that Austin did exceptionally well during the pandemic regarding property investments. So, no crisis situation can stop this trend. Still, we highly recommend you consider purchasing real estate in Austin because it will substantially increase your revenue in the long run.

Since 2019, Austin has gathered momentum and become a trendy relocation destination for many Americans in search of better employment opportunities and business perspectives. The ever-growing population undoubtedly shows that these people have found their aspirations in Austin.

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